In Search of Serenity

Inspired by my colleague Marica Sevelj. We each have a life that offers a unique view on the world we live in. Welcome to my view.

Location: Whanganui, New Zealand

Friday, April 21, 2006

Finding serentiy in creativity

There have been times in my life when I have found art the only way for me to find serenity. At these times I seem to give myself the time and the headspace to allow my creativity to flow. Unfortunately it seems to take a personal crisis for me allow myself this luxury. Like a volcano my creativity errupts with a burst of energy and beauty that is awesome and dramatic - a cry for help, release or even freedom coming from deep within my soul.

This picture is the first in a series of three pastel drawings I did at a time when my world was in turmoil. There is little colour in the first image and most of the face is hiding. I was feeling very depressed (though I didn't realise this until later). I was out of work at a time when mortgage rates were over 13% and I was looking after my sister who had experienced a nervous breakdown. Much later she was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The second image has a little more colour and more daring. I created these drawings 12 years ago when I attended an evening class with my sister to help her heal. I didn't realise it then but this art class helped me to heal too. Having these images to look back on helped me see the healing I went through during this time.

The third image, my favourite, is very bright and colourful and the face is open and smiling. Within weeks of completing this third image I received three job offers in as many days.

The healing power of creativity should never be underestimated. No matter what the finished product looks like or the medium used, it is the process, allowing the freeing of the soul, that does the healing. Creativity at these times becomes an outward expression of our inner most feelings, our deepest thoughts and our soul's desire - the freedom to be


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